Tamara Wolfson, LAc

How Do We Die In A Way Worthy Of Our Lives?

Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.
- Haruki Murakami

Inviting death, its challenges and gifts, back into our lives helps us to foster greater connection and meaning with ourselves and each other. This meaning making is an extension of the acknowledgement of our mortality. Conscious dying creates an experience of living life to the fullest. 

Caring for our deceased loved ones at home is probably the hardest and best thing we can do for ourselves, our loved ones, and our community. 

Let’s return death to its rightful place in the circle of life.

Let’s choose in death what we value in life.

Let’s return to the traditions of dying at home in a non-medical environment; looking at the garden, being with our family members, and being present with our transition.

Let’s choose funeral practices that are sustainable, affordable, and ecological.

Death Midwifery Offerings

End of Life Planning

Receive assistance with the execution of the advanced health care directive, the dementia directive, and the funeral plan.

Entheogenic Support

Experience a 3-day process including preparation, journey, and integration to support pre-death anxiety and existential crisis. 


Active spiritual support for the individual’s transition through prayer and vigil at the deathbed.

Home Funeral Guide

Bathing, anointing with fragrant oils, and celebration of life instruction and guidance for the family.

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